
About Me

Welcome, my name is David Chen. Put simply, I love sharing statistics and analytics with those around me. Currently I work as a Research Consultant for the University Libraries, Research Informatics and Publishing Department, and as a Research Assistant within the Statistics Department. I will be graduating with my master’s in applied statistics and my bachelor’s in statistics (computer science option) in May 2021.

During the 2019-2020 academic year, I conducted statistical consultations for the Data Learning Center. After realizing just how much there was still to learn, I decided to create this website. There is only one real intended audience: my future self. Hopefully by recording my exploration of statistical models, methodologies, visualizations, and various other data-driven pursuits, I can become better equipped to support clients in the upcoming academic year.

Website Content

This website will consist of four primary categories:

  1. Statistical models/methodologies
  2. Data visualization
  3. Data-driven insights
  4. Website creation

Statistical models and methodologies will have a focus on real-world application across all fields. Since our clients are from all fields, ranging from political science to biology, we must be well rounded. The goal is not to develop mastery of each model, but instead to understand the fundamentals and when they can be applied. Thus, when a client comes in with a problem I’ve never seen before, I can have some sort of direction.

Models and analytics are meaningless without interpretation and application, and thus we will also have a focus on data visualizations and insights. Again, these will focus on telling the stories contained within the data, and how we can derive actionable steps from it.

Lastly, we will have website creation. While I have some background in HTML, there is much to learn. There will be multiple posts maintaining, updating, and improving the website.